Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Dill Pickles

July 17, 2017 (this is when the story actually begins)

Some weeks ago I started a project involving fermentation - sauerkraut - and it was successful enough that I thought I might try some other fermented foods.  The choice of what to try is a no-brainer: dill pickles, of course!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Undine's Courtboullion

Mariner heard about a different way to prepare fish, Cajun/Creole style, and decided we should try it. It's called Courtboullion (pronounced kū-bĭ-yōn), and it is a kind of poached fish - usually catfish, but it can be made with pretty much any fish (some say, any kind of seafood!).

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Hummus Fail - or - Why I Can Chickpeas

My sister lives some distance away, from both me, and the area in which we grew up, and she has ever since she married a sailor and moved away, at the ripe age of... well, never mind!   Just accept that it's been a long time. I visited her in her home for the first time, a few years ago, and in addition to entertaining us, she fed us some great home-made snacks.  I had never had hummus before, but I really enjoyed spreading her hummus on some sesame crackers.  In fact, both my Honey and I enjoyed it so much, we badgered Sis until she gave us the recipé!  We've been making it ever since. I won't publish the recipé here, because it's not mine to share, but until recently it seemed nearly foolproof.