Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Turkey

So today I cooked my first-ever turkey.

Now, I could probably say that I've cooked them before, but in reality, I only helped the person who was actually in charge of the cooking. I didn't have to know what to do to the bird to get it ready to cook. I didn't have to know what temperature to cook it at. I didn't have to know how long to cook it, or what to do with it when it was done. All I had to do was stand around, and act when called upon.

This time it was different. I actually had to read and execute the instructions that were printed on the package containing the bird. You know what? It works perfectly! There's no mystery to it at all. The directions tell you everything you need to know, except one thing - how brown do you want the bird to be? If you follow the directions, and then after that, you check the color of the bird's skin periodically, until it's just the right shade of golden brown, it works like a charm. Tastes great too. The hardest part was de-boning and slicing the meat. There's a LOT of meat on a 19 lbs bird!

Now if I could just find someone to wash the dishes...


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