Monday, August 29, 2016

Fish Sausage

"Why fish sausage?" you might ask.  Well, more and more, so might I.

Anyway, I saw a description online and it sounded interesting, so I thought "Why not?  There was a good sale on whiting, and I had all of the non-fish components, so today I assembled everything and tried out this recipe.

Total disaster.

Even though the recipe only makes 1 kg (2.2 lb) of sausage, it requires soiling as many tools and utensils as making more than 9 lb of my pork breakfast sausage.

During the initial drying process,  the casing ruptured for no apparent reason, and the pan I was using to hold the links is now full of fish casserole.  Or soup.  The jury's still out.

You know how, when you make up a bunch of sausage links, there's always  little left over meat mix?  And you make patties out of it and fry it up for breakfast patties?  This mix insists on being scrambled.  No fish sausage patties today.

All in all, I'd have to say, this experiment sucked big time.  I might try it again someday, perhaps with catfish, but don't hold your breath.

- Mariner

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